人缘金花非常珍贵,泰国称为 Wan Dok Thong (金花)是一种特殊罕有具有独特超强催情效果的花,可令身边的人为你着迷,数量稀少,一年只在特定的月份开花,所以非常珍贵~这批【特级人缘魅力金花油】师父采用自己细心栽种的人缘金花,再配合龙婆班派系法脉的人缘法门加持数月,能量满满
A oil that made from flower extract (Wan Dok Thong), a very rare flower with it special effect that make all the people around you fascinated by you and attract everyone.
The main function of oil, attract opposite sex, great charming, loved by everyone and impress your customer during business transactions.
A very limited oil that you cannot be missed!