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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】 昭坤龙菩年 菩提崇迪 CK LP Nien, Somdej Prok Pho

RM 280.00
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菩提树原名为“阿摩洛珈”而菩提的含义 是觉悟、智慧的意思,因佛陀在菩提树下证道,成为佛祖,故菩提树被世人视为智慧之树,在佛教中被称为圣树,享有崇高的地位是“大彻大悟”“吉祥”的象征。 菩提叶具有极大的加持力。每当菩提叶落时,虔诚的信徒们便把菩提叶一片一片拾起来珍藏。他们深信菩提叶是佛的信物,是佛的庇佑和祝福。

菩提叶搭配崇迪佛是最受信众喜欢,也是佛牌收藏着必藏的种类之一。 法相正面是菩提树下禅定的崇迪佛,背面是昭坤龙菩年大师经典符文印,在寺庙加持四次后才出庙。

Phra Somdej Prok Pho "Buddha Covered by the Bodhi Tree" Strongly blessed by Master CK LP Nien. 

Phra Pim Somdej Prok Pho is translated to "the Buddha covered by the Bodhi tree". I believe this Pim represents defeating temptation and shelter in the sanctuary of Buddhist Wisdom. This is a Famous Pim and nearly all high ranking Buddhist master's have made it. It's is one of the golden standard amulets of Thailand. Somdej Prok Pho can be found in every amulet market on nearly every table. 

The general functions of Phra Somdej amulets range from protection to enhanced personal relationships, better health, protection from black magic, blocking disasters, and to strengthen careers as well as adjusting the human aura field.

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