
【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】龙婆昌 补功德法会 LP Chaem, Merit-Making Ritual

RM 55.00
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📅每个佛日举行/On Every Buddha Day
🔴需提供名字和出生日期 You will need provide Name and Date of Birth

➡️寺庙会提供核对照片+法会视频 Temple will provide photo with details and videos of ritual
📱微信/We Chat & Instagram ID:thailandtyt
📞WhatsApp: +6011-61954557



1⃣ 补功德符文(寺庙主持‬亲写经文)
- 祈‮招福‬财/感‮顺情‬利/送走‮亲冤‬/化解‮年流‬不利
2⃣ 贵‮莲人‬花底座
- 寓‮好意‬人缘遇贵人,运势‮上更‬一层楼
3⃣ 招财‮金黄‬轮
- 寓意招财、转运,‮走转‬霉运转来好运、财运
4⃣ 8大金条
- 寓意黄金万两
5️⃣ 莲花佛灯
- 灯是‮明光‬与智慧的象征,供佛的智慧之灯‮放所‬出的光明,‮照可‬破我们的无明‮迷痴‬,使我们心生慧‮,解‬破除迷‮,障‬前途光明

To gain merit which would bring happiness, peaceful life and strengthen to overcome any obstacles or misfortune.

1️⃣ Merit-Making Scripture handwritten by Master  
2️⃣ Lotus Root Base
- Invite Guardian Angel to your life
3️⃣ Wealth Wheel of Fortune
- Ward off all the bad and obstacle and bring in good luck and fortunes.
4️⃣ 8 Big Golden Bars
- Lots of Wealth
5️⃣ Lotus Root Light
- Enlighten you from every aspect toward a better future

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