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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】Wat Sodaram 铁南批手绳 Lek Nam Phi Bracelet

RM 128.00
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佛历/Year:2565 (2022)

Lek Nam Phi用来做于圣物重要材料,也是高级佛牌才会加入,属于一种能量矿石。
Lek Nam Phi所蕴藏的能量异常强大,可以调整身体磁埸及改善虚弱敏感的体质,起安神静心之作用;它更能为佩戴者提供周全的保护,帮助佩戴者驱邪挡煞、趋吉避凶,加上师傅的加持,让功效更佳。

According to Thai ancient :

Lek Nam Phi is the most powerful magic metal which naturally has supernatural power by itself.
The power will not decrease even forever in any circumstance.
It has mysterious sacred power can repell all kinds of black magic and evils.
In the war, if energy have the metrology to protect themselves against being wounded by guns or swords, however, they will not be able to resist the power of Lek Nam Phi anyway.
Whoever has Lek Nam Phi with him, he would be protected from all kinds of black magic and evils.

Moreover, his charm attractiveness would be enhanced and his dignity would be empowered making everyone feel respectful towards him.

For long ago, it was well known that Lek Nam Phi is the same kind as Leklai which naturally has enormous power by itself but Lek Nam Phi can be more touchable and can be found from existing known source.

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