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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】阿赞威帝 锁心人缘膏项链 AJ Aek, Heart Locking Balm Pendent Necklace

RM 98.00
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功效:提升人缘桃花运势、增加异性缘、增添职场人脉、成交案件、增加业绩、熟人亲睐,使异性喜爱你、人缘极佳、增添业绩客源,爱情和合、锁心稳固。  这是一款招人缘桃花,提升感情运势方面效力极高的圣物!🙏🏼

能带来极佳的桃花运、人缘、异性缘(“同性伴侣亦适用”) 使心仪的对象深受吸引,提升个人魅力!
使用方法:配戴者将圣物合掌于掌心 观想心仪的对象,能提升彼此缘分和合,感情和合圣物是辅助效力,真诚对待身旁的人,相信适合您的对象必会出现。已有对象的朋友也可以配戴此款圣物,让彼此感情更稳定、和睦!

Materials: 108 kinds of pollen, flower oil with Master collected materials

Effect: Improve the romantic encounter, increase the relationship between the same and opposite sex, increase the career network, increase the performance of career, make your lover love you, excellent popularity, increase the source of  customers. A good item to attract popularity and is highly effective in enhancing love relationship!  🙏🏼

 It can bring excellent luck, popularity, romantic encounter ("same-sex” or opposite sex couples also applicable) deeply attracted and enhances personal charm!
How to use: Put together in the palm of hand and visualizes lover in mind, which can enhance mutual fate. Treat people around you sincerely, and the one that suits you will appear.  For those who already partner can wear this to make their relationship more stable.

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