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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】古巴康宾 女皇九尾狐仙+路翁套组 Kruba Kampeng, Queen of 9 Tailed Fairy Fox + Loop Om in Set

RM 260.00
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古巴康斌所督造的九尾狐仙绝对使用正料制作,以及使用狐仙魅法开光加持,师傅制作的这款效力绝对不容小看采用了百年的Wan Maha Long粉圣料督造,是属于大仙级。師傅所督造的圣物大多都非常淳朴,原因在于师傅将大部分精力都花在了加持效力方面,所以无法与迎合现代美学的圣物比拟,也绝非一个等次。

佩戴此牌可以让你魅力四射,艳压群芳,瞬间提升高贵气质,强烈招异性缘 贵人缘,让你心仪之人情不自禁的爱上你,无时无刻的都想你到无法自拔,并为你成就理想姻缘。让你每时每刻都是众人眼中的焦点。


Come with Loop Om in a set, can either wear it on together or use it separately.  

Colourful 9 Tailed Fairy Fox Material: 100 years Nuea Pong Wan Maha Long, back embedded with 2 Takrut and 1 Ploi Sek Gemstone Insert

White 9 Tailed Fairy Fox Material: 100 years Nuea Pong Wan Maha Long mixed with white powder and Uma Yim powder, back embedded with 2 Takrut

Nine Tail Fox Powerful Magic Pendants

84-year-old Master Kruba Kampeng who is well-known in Thailand. A very low profile master but is very particular about making amulets. Everything made by master, he will ensures that the spiritual power and energy reach the highest point before being worship by the others. In Thailand, many Ajarn visited master to study wicha from master, such as the centipede king AJ Sub, the famous Ajarn of Hoon Pa Yoon AJ Authen, and the Supreme nine-tailed fairy fox AJ O and many more are all apprentices of Master Kruba Kampeng. 

Attraction Amulet is formulated to be used in magical workings for the fulfilment of goals. To attract whatever you desire, whatever it’s love, money, prosperity, a new job, achieve victory, completion and strengthen love, create and draw long lasting love in your life, influence and commanding others and conquering any situation and success in all your endeavours.

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