招财女神,在泰语中又称:南卦,穿着泰国古代的服装,头发整齐束起,戴上精美的发饰,手腕都戴有金镯子,常常是坐像,外型端庄,使人感到仁慈魅力,人见人爱。其举手的法相,意味着可为供养者带来财运及人缘。 传说:只要供奉招财女神,均能招财纳运。而很多生意人,会发现生意比之前好了很多。客人们乐意走进店里购物,店内生意兴隆。招财女神,不会带来任何坏处,只会令人事事顺心,因此,有招财女神,则必有福气和财气,有享不尽的财运和福运。
Phra Nang Kwak Believed to provide the following effects: 1) Boost wealth fetching 2) Increase sales and business 3) Good for overall luck & windfall 4) Protection from harm, evil, clearing obstacles Nang Kwak (Thai: นางกวัก) is a spirit or household divinity of Thai folklore. She is deemed to bring good fortune, prosperity, attract customers to a business, and found among merchants.