金脸佛为泰国「阿育塔亚」一代宗师龙婆班 Wat Bang Nong Kho 所督造,当年龙婆班共督造29面金脸佛,送给28间庙宇,并叮嘱他们把金脸佛供奉在自己的庙,若要扩充庙宇,只要诚心祈求金脸佛,自然会有足够的经费,不必为钱而担心,而这些欠缺经费的庙宇,在供奉了金脸佛后,庙宇也神奇的获得各方的支持,顺利的完成庙宇的扩充。 而当年颇帮拉玛佛寺主持 "龙浦暖" ( 龙婆班入室弟子) 也不辞劳苦带着当年年级还小的入室弟子「龙婆Boon Mak」从曼谷前往阿育塔亚把最后一面金脸佛供请回庙供奉,同时龙婆班也极力的向当年与他齐名的龙婆钟(那当诺佛寺)推荐门下的这位小徒孙「 龙婆Boon Mak」,而随年龄的增长,龙婆Boon Mak 也得到龙浦暖的真传,随后龙浦暖更遵照当年龙婆班的交代转介龙婆Boon Mak 给龙婆钟( 瓦讷当诺佛寺 ) 学习更深的法术。 而龙婆Boon Mak 在龙婆钟身边学习多年直到龙婆钟圆寂后,便回到颇帮拉玛佛寺,并用多年随龙婆暖和龙婆钟习得的法术,祈求金脸佛,成功的帮助了16间欠缺经费的庙宇成功的扩充,也成为龙婆班门下唯一可用金脸佛扩充最多庙宇的第一高僧。 到最后龙婆Boon Mak 便把这一面金脸佛放在空兴普( wat kong hin-pun ) 的佛祖金身上让信徒膜拜,而随后不到一年,龙婆Boon Mak 也圆寂了。 "若要扩充庙宇,只要诚心祈求金脸佛,自然会有足够的经费,不必为钱而担心,而这些欠缺经费的庙宇,在供奉了金脸佛后,庙宇也神奇的获得各方的支持,顺利的完成庙宇的扩充。
龙婆汶玛在世时也把金脸佛的法门全部传授给徒弟阿赞凯峰 Archan Krai , 并在佛历 2547 时,和徒弟阿赞凯峰 Krai 一起制作第一期佩戴型的金脸佛佛牌,让徒弟和信徒们可以佩戴与结缘~
佩戴金脸佛等于你没钱时,面对困难时,只要诚心祈求金脸佛就会帮你解决你的财务问题,过后龙婆汶玛去世后,佛历 2556 到现在,阿赞凯峰也照着龙婆汶玛的传授,所选材料,来制作金脸佛牌,给大家结缘~
The Previous Generation Magic Subject Passed Down From Guru Monk, LP Parn, Wat Bang Nom Kho,LP Nuan, Wat Po and LP BoonMak
High Magical Energy Infused For Money, Wealth Enhancements* & Special Wish Fulfillment
Background Of The Golden Buddha:
"In the past, LP Parn only use this special magic subject of Golden Buddha to help Temples that required funds for building and repairs. The Golden Buddha will be placed in their temples for people to worship and newer temple attracted many new disciples to come and help the temples. However this subject is never made into amulets.
In the year of BE2540+, LP Boonmak created the 1st few version of Golden Buddha amulets for his disciples to wear & worship and many miracles including protection from accidents, boosting of wealth luck...etc happened and thus made famous this version of amulets in Thailand, and many countries including Malaysia and Singapore."
LP BoonMak Is The Third Generation Of This Special Magic Subject. (LP PARN PASSED TO LP NUAN, LP NUAN PASSED TO LP BOONMAK
Then LP BoonMak passed down to AJ Krai, the Fourth Generation.
This Golden Buddha Face by AJ Krai is very famous and well known to improve human to human relationship, Attracting opposite sexes, able to blend in into any situation(loving), wealth and utmost protection from harm.
General Enhancements & Effects:
* Enhances Your Metta (Ren Yuan/Loving-Kindness) And Charisma Greatly
* Positive Energy To Calm Wearer
* Sharpen your Persuading, Convincing & Negotiation Power (Communication Skills) - Ideal For Service Line, Sales & Business Application
* Boosting Of Your Wealth Fetching, Businesses, Sales & Windfall Luck; Overcome Debts and Financial Obstacles ( Maha Lap & Choke Lap )
* Be Successful & Smooth Sailing in Life; Overcoming Your Obstacles and Hiccups
* Improves Your Benefactor Luck To Help You In Life
* Pray For Your Wishes & Be Helped
* Protection against Evil, Dangers & Harm