招正偏财、转运、助事业生意、风险投资、改善你的好运和财富,有强大的力量来帮助你完成意愿传说他能食炭排金,此乃佛家四大天神之一,与四面神同级,化身为瑞兽,掌管天下间的正、偏横财。想催生横财,金股汇炒卖等,就必须多求此泰北独有财神的协助,必能给你意想不到的效果 !
Lucky coin bringing wealth and good fortune God Sihuhata 4 ears 5 eyes blessed by Aj. Subin Na Nha Thong.
Very beautifully made to bring wealth and good fortune for the owner. Very easy to use, no katha/ prayer, only keep this lucky calling wealth coin the your purse or where you keep your money. The coin will help to generate more luck and money into your pocket.