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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】哇帕博纳查佛寺 捐大米 Wat Phraworrarachathinutdamat, Rice Donation

RM 23.00
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📅每日可捐,三天内返图 / Accept Daily, picture of Donation return in 3 days

🔴需提供名字和出生日期 You will need provide Name and Date of Birth

➡️寺庙会提供核对照片+法会视频 Temple will provide photo with details and videos of ritual
📱微信/We Chat & Instagram ID:thailandtyt
📞WhatsApp: +6011-61954557

🍚 (一袋5KG )

寺庙主持大师 / Temple Abbot : 昭坤龙普年 CK LP Nien


Due to the Pandemic changed the world economic, a rice donation might save a family from hungry. Though Rice donation also a good merit making.

✴️依自己的能力,一人可多份 The Greeter that offer, the Greater Merit Making, but according to your own ability✴️

⚠️只提供核对照片,无影片提供 Only Photo with details will be provided⚠️

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