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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】龙婆昌 五鬼运财大法会 LP Chaem, 5 Ghost Carry Wealth Ritual (全新加强升级/New Upgrading)

RM 60.00
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📅每个月举行两次,日期由寺庙决定 / Conduct TWICE a month, date is arrange by temple
🔴需提供名字和出生日期 You will need provide Name and Date of Birth

➡️寺庙会提供核对照片+法会视频 Temple will provide photo with details and videos of ritual
📱微信/We Chat & Instagram ID:thailandtyt
📞WhatsApp: +6011-61954557




🔥Tribute Double Up‼️🔥 Enhance Fortune Luck❗️Attract the Wealth❗️

5 Ghost Carry Wealth is a method using Yant to urge the five ghosts and spirits from different direction forcing to act according to orders and enhance future fortune luck. This method was originally a Taoist spell.

普通席位/Normal Seat:
- 五色钱 5 Colours Note
- 五鬼钱 5 Ghost Yant
- 佛灯 Buddha Lamp
- 亿万富翁招财符文 Billionaire Wealth Yant

- 老鬼王一尊 A big statues TaoWesSuWan
- 15捆五色钱 15 Stacks 5 Colours Note
- 64条大金条 64 Golden Bars
- 68张五鬼钱 68pcs 5 Ghost Yant
- 金盆底座 Golden Base
- 金质贡品 Worship Tribute in Gold
- 2盏五彩佛灯 2 Lotus Lamp
- 1盒金元宝 A box of Gold Ingot
- 亿万富翁招财符文 Billionaire Wealth Yant
✳️功德回向/Merit Transfer:放生鱼 Fish Release

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