佛历2554年 (西元2011年),由龙普念、龙波篇、龙波碰、龙波喷、阿赞刁、龙波喷萨、龙波瑞大师等199多位高僧共同加持 ,当中亦不少的婆罗门师傅一同在曼谷爱侣湾四面神加持,令到当中所有四面神得到最好的力量,是可遇不可求的好圣物,由泰国大公主到来主持仪式是泰国50年以来最盛大、阵容最坚强的一次,加上法会完全遵古法加持,可说是非常难得殊胜的。
【功效】:招正财运、旺人缘名声、助事业顺利、财源滚滚、增强贵人运、增加爱情运、保佑身体健康、镇宅 泰国最出名的就是四面佛了,其四面皆不一样,第一面有助功名事业和学业;第二面有助爱情婚姻;第三面有助金钱财富;第四面则是健康平安,几乎现代人想求的愿望都包括在内,堪称全面,但爽编提醒,若您跟祂许愿并实现了,千千万万记得您当时答应过祂什么,凡求事不要太过,我们心诚则灵,祂的功效您一定能感受到。
Phra Phrom Erawan Shrine, BE.2554
This is one of the Powerful Phra Phrom ever consecrated at Erawan Shrine in year BE2554.
This blessing ceremony Brahma (Phra Phrom) is promoted by Her Royal Highness Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya Sirivadhana Barnavadi and strongly blessing by many Top monks at Grand Ceremony in Erawan Shrine Center on 19-02-2554
4 Great Powers of Phra Phrom amulet such as
“ Metta Maha Niyom ” means great of charming and kindness
“ MahaGun ” means great of protect a worshipper from dangerous and black magic
" Great Of Wealthy " Property and good business
" Great Of Good Fortune and lucky "
The Brahma is a 4 Face Buddha who is facing in all four Cardinal directions, causing frends, helpful offers, customers and money to flow from all directions towards you. If you notice in Thailand, Brahma statues are always placed at intersections or in places where public gatherings are. This is because the Brahma Deity shrine will attract people from all four directions, due to the immense Metta which radiates from an activated and truly involed Brahma Deity.
General Enhancements & Effects:
- Superb Wealth Fetching, Gambling & Business Luck
- Overcome Debts and Financial Obstacles (Maha Lap & Choke Lap)
- Wish Fulfilling Magic; Pray For Any Wishes* & Be Granted
- Smooth Sailing Luck, Change Bad To Good Luck
- Overcome Obstacles In Life
- Positive energy to calm users & boast Morale/Confidence ( Excellent For Users Who Mediate)
- Protection against any harms & negative energy