徐祝喜欢储蓄,收到别人给的钱储起来,渐渐越来越多,因此也能助 不漏财,助你钱财现金不缺,变得富有。
故徐祝主要针对人缘、财运及不愁衣食,打工一族亦非常合用,对生意上的业务和收入有帮助,很适合金融、公关业务等工作者,令佩带者成为受欢迎的人,衣食无缺。信众讨不回欠款、店家生意冷清供奉徐祝老人后,对方竟主动偿还欠款、店家也门庭若市。 在泰国家喻户晓,向徐祝老人祈愿,皆能心想事成,例如有人都讨不回欠债,自从请供徐祝老人回家供奉,不久之后欠债人就拿钱来还。 而生意清淡的商家,也在供奉徐祝老人后,情形神奇的转佳。此外背面还要有双钱袋让财源滚滚来。
Chuchok was recognised in Thailand as excellent in fortune and favor. Believed people who worship Chuchok can ask good wealth and great charming from this amulet. Some of worship experience: People could see the improvement in business and was handling alot of money and customer to shop than before. Some people believe they can share in his "merits" and also gain that kind of prosperity. these people really get what they seek. it is really best amulet for granting wishes and bring more charm. It bring about Good luck for your life and business. it also help attracting wealth and Good charming and also can guarding wealth.
84-year-old Master Kruba Kampeng who is well-known in Thailand. A very low profile master but is very particular about making amulets. Everything made by master, he will ensures that the spiritual power and energy reach the highest point before being worship by the others. In Thailand, many Ajarn visited master to study wicha from master, such as the centipede king AJ Sub, the famous Ajarn of Hoon Pa Yoon AJ Authen, and the Supreme nine-tailed fairy fox AJ O and many more are all apprentices of Master Kruba Kampeng.