佛历/Year:BE.2558 (2015)
自身牌为全功效佛牌,入门首选!在泰国收藏家心目中,在泰国没有相当能力的师父,是不能自作自身法相牌, 能制作自身牌的师父都是修行有成就的, 或受当地人景仰的高僧, 或是得到泰皇亲颁宝扇的高僧,需有以上条件,才能以自身的法相来制作佛牌。
LP Tim of Wat LaHanLaai was born in 1879 at Rayong Province. LP Tim was a nephew of LP Sang who was the originator of Wat LaHarnRai. LP Sang was very clever in magic power. At the age of 17 his father takes LP Tim to learning with LP Singh. LP Tim learned for 1 year and he returned at home. Next, he was ordained at the age of 19. He attended to study knowledge of LP Sang from textbook. He became a famous guru monk in Rayong Province. He recite incantations many famous of amulets such as Gring Coin, Phra Holy Powder, and Phra Pita, etc. Every holy thing of LP Tim helps in dangerous protection, beloved, trading and good luck. LP Tim passed away in 1975 at the age of 95 years old. Although, it passed for many years but he still be respectable for many people. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way.
For old timers who collect amulets, they will know that the locket and rian of powerful monks and archans is a must have.
Only master who are very experienced and confident that their wiccha and blessings can help the people who wear their amulets, will make their own self image rians or lockets.