大模 (Jumbo Size)4CM X 3.2CM
中模(Medium Size)3.1 X 2.4CM
小模 (Small Size) 2.3CM X 1.5CM
佛历/Year: BE2553 (2010)
龙婆通丹(近代必达王龙普多的法脉衣钵传人),富贵必达,加入海沙,大模和中模底部三根符管,三款佛牌背面是师傅手写经文 功效:防止阴谋诡计小人迫害,避灾挡险,工作顺利,利生意财运,招人缘,转运起运 。
Strongly blessed by LP Tongdum in year BE2553 for celebrated his 78 years old Birthday. Featured added Sea Sand with Holy water from temple, Holy thread from grand ceremony and added old sacred amulets around Thailand. This Jumbo and Medium Phra Pidta is embedded 3 Takruts on the bottom and every size Additional with sacred Handwriting Yant by Master. Effect: This Pidta is great of Wealthy, bring good fortune especially business and authority, Change from bad to luck success, Protection from bad influence and evil.