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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】龙普年轿/阿赞LeeAir BE.2563 媚赛巴提(树精女灵) LP Nen / AJ LeeAir, Mae Nang Prai Takhian Mae Sa-bai-tip (Tree Fairy)

RM 200.00
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寺庙/Temple: Wat Phaa
佛历/Year : BE.2563 (2020)

🔥超级灵验🔥 强大成愿力 🔥


佛历 2563 (2020年)
泰国天王级大师 - 龙普年 / 阿赞LeeAir/阿赞Nuchby携手制作,下料绝对是非常满,加持法会更不用说。此圣物共加持多达9次,加持阵容还特意邀请泰国各大高僧与法师加持,用了足足3个月的时间才完成加持,其中一次的加持法会还是在传闻中的千年老树前加持。

 🔥Super Efficient🔥The Powerful Wishing🔥

In ancient Thailand, there was a thousand-year-old tree at the entrance of the Buddhist temple. Every day, receive many people came for wishing and worship with incense.The abbot of temple explained that a long-haired beautiful woman in traditional red-brown costume was attached to the tree, hoping to help people accumulate merit.

Year: BE.2563 (2020)
Made by the Thai high ranking-level masters - LP Nien / AJ LeeAir/AJ Nuchby. The material of amulets is full, not to mention the blessing ceremony. A total of 9 blessing ceremony conducted and as long as 3 months times to complete the whole blessing. Moreover one of the blessing sessions was blessed in front of the thousand-year-old tree.

⚠️若有成愿,记得行善⚠️ If your wish is granted, remember to do some good deeds⚠️

可选入料如下 / 2 types available to choose:

➡️方形大模 / Rectangle Big Size (3 x 4CM)
🔴督造数量/Quantity Made:50 🔴
背面含一面坤平,派粉,双符管 Back embedded with Khun Paen, Takhian Powder and Double Takrut

➡️椭圆形/Oval Shape (2.5 x 3CM)
🔴督造数量/Quantity Made:50 🔴
背面含一面坤平,双符管 Back embedded with Khun Paen and Double Takrut

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