“万朵通”俗称“性爱之花”,有人叫湾朵通或湾花,它是一种生长在中南半岛上的奇特植物,清香之中又有带点中药的味道,色呈乳白(像金针菇的颜色),分雄花与雌花两种,雄花外型如同男性特征,雌花则如同女性特征,花朵的大小约0.5公分 左右,喜欢生长在潮湿的环境之下,一年只在特定的月份中开花一次。
Very Beautiful Lip white flowers, white with yellow central stripe.
The flowers are fragrant, very charming. Very Rare. And then close to extinction.Flower will leave in the summer,
continuing until the rainy season.
For those who feel they are lacking in strong presence or those who feel “invisible" this item will help them get noticed in a positive way. This item helps to develop in a powerful auric presence with an amazingly strong, high- frequency magnetic field. The magical amulet love spell can be used to affect someone's soul (opposite sex) so that they spontaneously will fall in love with you and obey anything that you want.
With the power of this item and the use of the given prayers and positive thought, the presence of the user will begin to cause others to have respect for and an irresistible attraction to them. The latent and untapped inner potentials, talents, and creativity will come forth easily and abundantly with the power of this item. This amulet can make of desired person fall in love with you it very powerful having strong power of charm that helps you get love from someone and be successful in flirting somebody and obey all your commands easily.