招财、成愿 、️增魅力、助人缘、能让有对象的人感情更顺利,让单身的人异性缘爆增,偏财帮助事业,旺桃花,锁心助姻缘,防止对方出轨,挽回非常全功能
Complete at year 2019, For those who use first batch said it is good, the second batch is stronger, The third batch can say is much more material and much more stronger.
Enhance personal charm and authority power, special made for women just like a queen.
Fortune, fulfil wishes, charm, popularity, for those who have relationship can stable the relationship, increase the romantic encounters for those in single, prevent the other party from cheating, heart locking, help in career and gambling luck
Material: Heart-locking secret method, master's secret love oil, love powder, Cambodian special love powder, etc…