此面以孔雀为法相,而孔雀为百鸟之王,是十分尊贵的,被视为吉祥、善良、美丽、华贵的象征。在东方,孔雀被佛祖封为大明王菩萨;而在西方,孔雀则贵为圣鸟。 背面入料为燕通及招财和人缘符管。
General Enhancement: Attract people all around, Charm, Attract Wealth, Consolidate Relationship, Prevent third party on relationship.
Peacock is recognise as The King of Birds, a symbol of auspiciousness, kindness, beauty, and luxury. In the east, peacocks were named King Buddha while in the west, peacocks is recognise as holy birds. The back of amulet is InKoo(Yin Tong), Wealth and Metta Takrut.
After wear Peacock Amulet is full of power can attract everyone's attention, make everyone to focus on you. Moreover this amulet also can help in terms of popularity and wealth.
In the eyes of the opposite sex, you are just like the charming peacock, with the effect of InKoo (Yin Tong), your lover will only loves you and reduces the intervention of third parties.
InKoo (Yin Tong) can help the wearer and partner relationship harmony, Charm and enhance the loyalty of lover. For couples in love will be blessed by InKoo (Yin Tong) and soon will getting marry.
A great choice for the one in Single to wear it to enhance their own love luck and easily attracted by the opposite sex.