A 💯 Powerful Amulet you worth to have it!
每种经文代表不同的力量 而每种经文都有一个代表自己的符咒 牌身背面印着这些代表经文的符咒 招财 人缘 名气 权力等等
💠 宇宙能量经文 mongkong cakawan
💠 12星宿天神经文
💠 108佛经文
💠 加上师父近学的108浪纳缅甸佛经
💠 金木水火土五行经
💠 日夜心经
牌身正面中间印着阿赞湿 旁边全都是不同的经文
AJ Sub Self Amulet consists of 108 different scriptures made by using the Langna scriptures that he learned in Myanmar.
Each scripture represents a different power and each scripture consist spell that represents itself. The back is printed with these spells representing fortune, popularity, fame, authority, etc.
AJ Sub is printed in the middle of the front and there are different scriptures next to it.
Masters who do not have "comparable ability" in Thailand cannot make their own self amulet, Masters who can make their own self amulet mostly are accomplished masters in practice, or have supernatural powers. The monks admired by the local people or the monks who have been awarded by the Thai emperor, only with the above conditions can make amulets with their own images. Not any Master can make Amulet with their own images. All the amulet carry the represent personal blessing from the master, and there is enough "power" to keep people wearing them safe.