阿赞湿 2564年生日法会新品 🌟 AJ Sub Birthday Special Version
🎀 圣物材料: 108种草药,花粉,圣粉制作,师傅亲手画写经文
这牌可以说是全功能,成愿强🙏🏼超强人缘和招财💰蜈蚣寓意钻来钻去可以帮助你避掉不好的东西 ,每只脚带给你不同的财气、运气。
🔆功效: 招正偏财,口才,爱情,异性缘,招贵人,桃花运,保平安,增强个人魅力,有较强的吸引力,加强人缘等等
⭕️Materials: made from 108 herbs powder, pollen, holy powder added handwriting Yant by Master himself.
This amulet can be said to be a all effect amulet. It is strong in helping granted a wish and is very strong in popularity and fortune. Centipede movement represents to help you avoid bad things. Each foot brings you different wealth and luck.
🔆Effects: love, affection, fortune, grab business opportunity, popularity, recruit opposite sex, get promoted in career.
☯️Introduction: In this batch, the centipede master has made with the great efforts in popularity (in love, gain guardian angel, friends etc.....) able to establish a stronger relationship and fate. Whether it is love, work, business, or family in life, popularity is very important.