此款为泽度金本庙于佛历2550年由泽度金名师 - 龙耐大师亲自开光加持,正面为泽镀金,背面为拉胡天神
JaTuKam RaMaThep (Phra Siam Dhevaraj of South Sea kingdom) South Sea kingdom is an area in the south of Thailand. It starts from SurajThani, Malaysia until Indonesia. These areas were Sri Vichai Kingdom since over 1,000 years ago. This kingdom is very prosperity. There is much Bodhisattva architecture. The principle of Bodhisattva is great kindness.
JaTuKam RaMaThep :
- JaTu means four. Kam (Kama) means area. Total meaning of JaTuKam RaMaThep is 4 directions.
- JaTuKam RaMaThep means soul of former king of Sri Vichai Kingdom. He is full of prestige and popularity. Moreover, he is full of ten virtues.
People believe that JaTuKam RaMaThep was a former king of Sri Vichai Kingdom who protects Phra BaRomMa That and Nakorn Sri ThammaRat City. JaTuKam RaMaThep is a symbol of Bodhisattva.
Nowadays, JaTuKam RaMaThep in Thailand is very popular for his power of protection and wealth.
Phra Rahu - The God of Fate
Believed that will excellent for boasting luck, changing bad luck into good and protect you from bad luck.
Phra Rahu of change fate and destiny turn bad luck to good, great for protection, prevent danger and against all negative energy, reflect away all bad things and invited luck, happiness and wealth.