现当代名师 - 最顶级阵容的二哥丰佛牌!
龙婆Moon法脉传承,重量级别的师傅助力开光加持。绝对值得收藏和佩戴的一款二哥丰!加持阵容有龙婆moon嫡系传人-龙婆乌冬萨、百岁圣僧龙婆帕 、龙婆马哈喜拉(香港称为龙婆济公) 、蝶王古巴吉士纳、龙婆敢等。
二哥丰,经过高僧加持可转运招财,助生意事业顺利,助赌运。 二哥丰是泰国从事赌博的第一人,佩戴二哥丰有很好的招财效果,从事彩票,股票的人群非常推荐选择二哥丰。经商者佩戴二哥丰可以助生意兴隆,财气旺盛,得到二哥丰的庇佑,做事自然一帆风顺,能把握身边转运,改变人生的机会。风险投资人士最适合不过。
The top lineup of Er Ger Feng Amulet!
Inherited by LP Moon, strongly blessed by outstanding masters. The Er Ger Feng amulet that you definitely worth for collection and wearing!
The blessing lineup include LP Moon's direct descendants - LP Udomsap, well known Master LP Phat and LP Mahasila, the King of Butterfly Kruba Krissana, LP Klan etc…
Er Ger Feng well known as attract wealth, business and career go smooth, and help in gambling luck. Er Ger Feng is the first person to engage in gambling in Thailand. Wearing Er Ge Feng has a very good effect of attracting money. People who are engaged in lottery and trade market are highly recommended to have Er Ge Feng. For Business wearing Er Ger Feng can help in business prosper and gain more wealth. With the blessing of Er Ger Feng, things will be smooth during business transaction and they can seize the opportunity of business.