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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】古巴磐石 BE.2559 第一期双虎舍玛自身 Kruba Ponsit First Batch SEMA Self Amulet

RM 500.00
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古巴磐石早期的圣物非常值得收藏佩戴,第一期自身,用了磐石毕生所学的法术结合其中加持 。全面提升转运,功效非常全面!

泰北第一法力僧-古巴磐石,佛歷2512年出生於清邁,自小就跟隨自己的父親學習佛法法術,其父親婆稱(por chen)是清邁著名的白衣修行者。佛歷2534年,22歲的磐石出家,是泰北涉獵法術法本最多的中生代祖師,包括了蘭納(lanna),泰亞緬甸撣邦(thai yai),緬甸紅藥(ya dei),金三角嘎涼苗族分支長脖族(galiang)泰東北(Esan)等眾多區域的特點民間法術。

古巴磐石也先後跟隨古巴巴贊,古巴dip,古巴niam,古巴邦,古巴巴空等多位低調神秘的高僧學習。而跟隨過的民間法術師傅,有三十多位之多,然而,目前古巴磐石所學習過的除了正統的佛法之外,最有名的就是老虎術法,包括了泰北蛇煙食人虎法術,東北無頭虎法術,綜合老虎法印等。 防禦類術法,「空卡潘」擋災避險術法,「甘昆塞防降解降」術法,yom fang 防盜尋物術法,反彈降頭術法,甚至,進攻法術等等。師傅還有習得一些只有他才能解除的降頭等有害法術。


The first mana monk in Northern Thai - Kruba Ponsit, was born in Chiangmai B.E. 2512, during his young age he followed his father (por chen) a famous white cloth practitioner in Chiangmai to learn Dharma and spells. B.E. 2534, age 22-year-old Kruba Ponsit declare as monk. He was the most spells in northern Thailand, including Lanna, Thai Yai, Myanmar Ya Dei,  Galing Ehsan Spell and many other areas characteristic folk magic.

Moreover Kruba Ponsit also studied with many mysterious monks such as Kruba Chan, Kruba Dip, Kruba Niam, Kruba Pong, Kruba Pakong, more than 30 magic masters. However, in addition to the orthodox Buddhism, the most famous Master Ponsit learned is tiger magic, including northern Thailand's Suer Yan tiger, headless tiger, comprehensive tiger magic and so on.  Defensive spells to prevent disasters and avoid danger, yom fang anti-theft spells, rebound spells, and even offensive spells, etc…The master also learned some magic spells that only he can dispel.

Master Ponsit famous for his spell studies and spend all his time to study spell till he passed away in B.E. 2565.

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