观音菩萨可以说是全方位的佛牌,配戴观音佛牌除了协助我们消灾解厄、凡事如意、家庭和睦、增进工作及事业发展。更如同观音随身提醒我们无论何时何地何事,都要学习像观音一样的菩萨道,无论身、口、意 样样都需要修行。
Phra Mae Kuan / Guan Yin themes are kindness, magic, health and fertility, is the most beloved of all Eastern Goddess figures, giving freely Her unending sympathy, fertility, health and magical insight to all who ask. It is Her sacred duty to relieve suffering and encourage enlightenment among humans. In Eastern mythology, a rainbow bore Guan Yin to heaven in human form. Her name means ‘regarder of sounds’, meaning She hears the cries and prayers of the world.