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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】阿赞威帝/古巴堪范 金蟾吃月符布 AJ Aek/Kruba Kamfan, Paya Kob Pha Yant

RM 40.00
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尺寸/Measurement : 30CM X 21CM
阿赞威帝/古巴堪范大师携众僧共9位僧人在金蟾吃月法会加持 A total of 9 Monks lead by Kruba Kamfan and AJ Aek conjoint on the blessing ceremony.

“Paya Kob”金蟾吃月招财转运蜡烛法会
古巴堪范最出名的法门之一就是青蛙吃月这个法门。实际的名称กบ(青蛙金蟾)กิน(吃)เดือน(月))对于流年不顺,犯太岁,犯小人非常合适,金蟾吃月Thaiyai 独特的拉壶法门寓意将不好的事情靠近不了你。所有不好的霉运全部变成好运,小人和敌人也赶到远远的,如果对方对你不好将会折返给对方自己自食其果。

- 可以让人全面运势提升,增加人缘魅力,防小人、防灾,招财纳福
- 去除衰气,敢走霉运,让小人和坏事都远离你
- 提升你的财运,让你财源滚滚,做生意的更是客似云来
- 催旺横财偏财,投资赌博更有灵感
- 大旺人缘,让你人际关系八面玲珑,遇事有贵人相助,生活事事如意,一帆风顺

"Paya Kob" One of the most famous method by Kruba Kamfeng, The actual name กบ (frog golden toad) กิน (eat) เดือน (moon) is very suitable those who facing downturn of life, avoid troublemaker and those clash with “Tai-Sui”. The unique method Phra Rahu of Thaiyai means that bad things cannot came close to you, all the bad luck turns into good luck, the troublemakers and the enemy will stay away from you. If the other party treats you badly, they will renounce back.

 🌖The effect of Paya Kob🌔
 - Improve overall fortune, increase popularity, prevent troublemaker, prevent disasters, and attract wealth
 - Get rid of bad luck and keep all the troublemaker and bad things away from you
 - Improve your fortune luck and increase your business
 - Improve your direct and side income, no matter in investment or gambling you will get more inspiration
 - Great popularity, get guardian angel to help you and may your life is going well and smooth

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