古巴康斌七星大法神僧法门中可呼唤宇宙自然法加持的YONI(U尼)佛牌,造型以女性生殖器法相 ,功效以人缘法门、增加异性缘 、人缘魅力 、吸引力 、增加正能量、招正偏财、任何事情都可以求、一切皆满愿等,这是古巴康斌冠兰圣物中罕见之物。
YONI佛牌要佩戴于腰下,并不是佩戴于胸口或脖子部位。有关 YONI 佛牌的起源是来自印度婆罗门教。在印度女子隐私部位的佛牌意义是尊重母亲与及母亲给予的关怀,也代表印度婆罗门教的咖利女神,所以佩戴也能为你辟邪挡灾、驱鬼挡降、攻无不克战无不胜!
YONI amulets is an occult charm that does not require wearing above the waist, and can be carry close to private parts, for increased effectiveness. It is, despite common belief, not only for ladies to use, but can also be used by Men, just as well
The YONI belief to create high sexual attraction, love attraction, increase sex appeal, driven your sex drive and enjoy sex more. YONI can also help to mesmerizing someone and calling them to you.