尺寸 / Measurement :40CM x 28CM
增加财运事业、工作 、感情、人缘、人合、事业顺利、财运拓展、人际关系顺利 、贵人扶持、财源广进、增加客源与好客人、事业更上一层、家中和协平安 、家运兴隆 、保平安顺利。
This is stunning Phayant Butterfly King Thick Cloth. Featured with Beautiful of Colourful Butterfly image and sacred Yant images on this Phayant Thick Cloth materials. Additional have 2 Colours and with Temple Chop on the Phayant.
Blessed by Kruba Krissana and recite“Thewa Nakri" ancient magic. “Thewa Nakri” magic is great of kindness, charming and wealth. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals.
Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Wealthy Spider will Guardian and your Wealthy and Attract to Money come, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.