佛历:BE.2564 (2021)
Year : BE.2564 (2021)
Master: LP Veelak
Temple: Wat Hom Sing
(Wealth Takrut)
Effect: Recruit and Enhance wealth and help in business grown.
This takrut help in enhance fortune luck, attract wealth and bring great wealth to life. For business and sales person it will enhance the business performance increase day by day, business transaction smooth and easily get deal. For investors, able to create huge profits in trade market.
(Charm Takrut)
Effect: Enhance popularity and charm
Enhance the popularity and charm aura, expand the network and be loved by everyone and it is easy to get the support by guardian angel. In Career, language become more persuasive and being appreciated by superior and client. In Love relationship, the magnetic field of charm makes people around admire by you.