l年份/Year:BE2561 (2018)
九尾狐仙是善良的大狐仙,并非狐狸精之类异物。谁佩戴和供奉都可以,凡供奉者,时时要相信他的存在,要多做善事,多积德,好姻缘将会降临你身旁,狐仙属于妩媚化身,可以拥有狐仙协助你的事业财运,都有非常有效的起色 !
狐仙是一种感恩、感谢、美丽的象征 !恭请狐仙只要诚心、善良的人、慢慢会发现眼睛变的细长如月、越来越妩媚动人。
师父说他督造的狐仙若要供,供红色的饮料最佳,其他就是花、化妆品和香水等等 。
This Charming Fairy fox sited next to the two foxes covered with gold coins, symbolizing infinite happiness and wealth. It is precious and worth to collect.
Specially added gemstones, Salika bird, Phra Khun Paen and a bottle of charming oil, with special request Handwriting Yant by AJ Aek on the bottom part, If worn out in the future, it will not affect its effectiveness.
Nine-tailed Fairy Fox can bring fortune, strong in attractiveness, gain in popularity, enhance personal charm, career luck, marriage life, and most important is the effect of loved by everyone.
No matter boys or girl, help you become more charming and enhance the attractiveness. With the help of the fox fairy, your relationship, career, and financial all will be improved effectively.
The fox fairy is a symbol of gratitude and beauty. As long as worship fox fairy with sincere, you will gradually find that you will become more and more charming.
According to legend, a fox fairy can transform into a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Moreover It can help men and women get your soulmate; let your eyes and words become more attractive and speech is fully convincing, easily get people to help you in everything you ask. In working place you will gain likes from your boss and colleagues, gain the trust from customers in business, and get the one you loved, even your partner will be loyal and considerate to you and help you lock the heart, get rid of third party involve into your relationship.
Best worship with drinks in red, or others like perfume, flower or cosmetic is recommend.