You may stick it everywhere, behind your hand phone, door, car, motorbike or even cashier drawer or safety box
功效: 招尽八方财运,守财聚宝,吉祥,招来好运,护主,挡灾避险,避开流年不利,去霉运
水龙代表好运、吉祥、守财聚宝、权力、招来财富、保平安,提升财气的高贵象征。 水龙正正是能在水中来去自如之神兽,龙掌管水里、海里、地底的所有的金银财宝。所以能够吸尽食尽河里的好事和财富。所谓水为财,招尽八方财运,增加不同的收入来源。令配带者丰衣足食,财运亨通。
在泰国会请高僧用古老术法引请水龙, 因为泰国人认为水龙能招来财运, 守财聚宝, 生意兴隆, 挡灾避险, 除了适合生意人及业务人员外, 也非常适合流年不利者。帕雅纳在泰国又有守护天神的称号,称之为龙王,在许多寺庙大门以及师傅的法力刺青上都会看到,为佛祖的护法之神,也代表着权威地位,可以保佑佩戴者出入平安安、事事顺利!
Payanak is Thai word mean Naga.
The appearance of Naga is full of power and the Creat of Naga is the symbol of mightiness, richness and luck.
General Enhancements & Effects:
• Boosting Of Your Wealth Fetching, Businesses and Sale. Protect against any financial storm, prevent outflow of wealth.
• Be Successful & Smooth Sailing in Life and Overcoming Your Obstacles.
• Protection against Evil, Dangers & Harm.