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【泰爱泰🇹🇭泰国圣物代购】龙婆昌 放生龟 LP Chaem, Turtle Release

RM 10.00
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📅每个佛日进行/On Every Buddha Day

🔴需提供名字和出生日期 You will need provide Name and Date of Birth
➡️寺庙会提供核对照片+法会视频 Temple will provide photo with details and videos of ritual

📱微信/We Chat & Instagram ID:thailandtyt
📞WhatsApp: +6011-61954557

1️⃣金箔清债龟 / Gold Foil Turtle :
功效 / Effect : 清除阴债 Sin Clearing


Five monks chanted the LP Chaem Wealth scripture, apply the gold foil on and release after chanting.
 💰One turtle each, using the Buddha arms bowl.
 💰Each turtle is eighteen years old, which means boundless of wealth.

2️⃣延年益寿龟 / Longevity Turtle:
功效 / Effect: 平安健康、长命百岁 Health and Longevity

🙏每只龟龄九岁, 蕴意为九九归一,长命百岁。

The master chant for heath and longevity than  sprinkle turtle with holy water to release after chanting
 🙏There are two turtles each
 🙏Each turtle is nine years old, which means long-lived till the age of hundred years old.

3️⃣供养 / Food Offering:
❤️ 放生有功德。供养🉑️让它们把您的功德延续下去,让您得到更多的福报 🙏
❤️ Life Release is Merit Making, by offering Food will let you Merit keep going on and be blessed🙏

Life release is Countless merits! The greatest benefit of release is to cultivate our compassion.

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