【佛历】: 2564
龙婆禅南高僧是从小就出家为僧侣,而且非常认真向每个师父学习各种法术与经典。 此外他在禅定中,亦会感得龙普拓、阿赞多(崇迪之父)、龙波圭、在禅定中教导他各种法术符印,因此他所制作的佛牌效力非常显著。
龙婆高僧们督制自身法相牌时,都希望善信们平安富足快乐,所以加持会注入辟邪,挡灾,避险,招财,招人缘… 等等的经咒,目的就是祝福佩戴的善信,保护佩戴的善信,人人都能平安顺利,所求顺遂!
自身牌,在泰国收藏家心目中可是全功能佛牌,有招财改运增人缘… 等功效。师父在开光圣物时,所有圣物都是会用大师独特法门开光,而配戴师傅自身法相,等于是在行师傅的法,功效也是非常全能的圣物之一。
LP Channan was born in BE 2515 at Pathum Thani Province. At the age of 14, LP Channan was ordained as a monk on 19th June BE 2529 at Wat Bang Luang, Pathum Thani Province with LP Surin.
After LP Surin passed away, there is no one knew about the magic of Mon tradition than LP Channan. LP Channan is the abbot of Wat BangKudiThong and Wat Chinwararam and also counselor for many people as he likes to help solve people’s problems.
For old timers who collect amulets, they will know that the locket and rian of powerful monks and archans is a must to have.
Only monks or archans, who are very experienced and confident that their wiccha and blessings can help the people who wear their amulets, will dare to make their own self image rians or lockets.